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In our clinic, face lift can be done endoscopically which is the newest modern face lift technique that provides most permanent result without any skin cut and scar around the ear.
Time and gravity take their tolls on our facial beauty. Tissues lose their youthful tone and sag. Sun and the environment etch the lines of time into the surface of the face with wrinkles and lines. First signs of aging begin to manifest in the age of 30’s, and become conspicuous in the age of 50’s. All tissues on the face are affected by aging. Bones weaken and become thinner. Tissues descent from the cheekbones towards the cheeks resulting in less prominent cheeks. The lines between the nose and the corners of the mouth deepen. Tissue below the jaw line creates bulges called jowls. Redundant tissue about the neck, when excessive produces a turkey gobbler like waddle. Neck muscles sag that can tighten into bands with expression. The angle between the chin and the neck blunts with a loss of jaw definition. Skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles. These processes cause to static wrinkles. On the other hand, the movements of the mimic muscles for years cause to dynamic wrinkling of covering skin. As a result of aging process, face looks older, tired, depressed and sad. A face lift can be done in conjunction with eyelid surgery, nose surgery, chin reduction or augmentation, liposuction to below the chin and injection of fat or tissue.
Face divides into three regions anatomically and surgery is planned for each individual regions. Upper face includes temple region, forehead and brows and the surgery is called as upper face lift or forehead lift for this region. Middle face includes cheek area, and the surgery is called as mid-face lift or cheek lift for this region. Lower face includes jowls and neck, and the surgery is called as lower face lift or neck lift for this region. Each region can be operated individually or combined.
Upper face lift is aimed at lifting the brows, tightening the forehead and temple region. In the traditional upper face lift, the skin is cut behind the hairline, from ear to ear. Then, the skin of the forehead is lifted away from the underlying muscles. The excess skin is trimmed away, and the skin cut is closed with stitches. This technique causes much bleeding and remarkable scars. Another technique that I always use is modern endoscopic forehead lift. In this procedure, 2 cm in length 4 skin cuts behind the hairline are done; an endoscope is placed under the skin in order to get a clear view of the muscles and tissues under the skin. Then the surgeon inserts another instrument through a separate skin cut to lift the forehead skin and remove or alter the muscles and underlying tissues. The forehead skin is tacked up in a higher position. This technique causes much less bleeding and much less scars.Mid-face lift is aimed at lifting the cheeks and tightening the cheek skin. Cheeks sag together with muscles, fat tissue and skin. If this procedure is done as tightening the skin alone, sagging of the muscles and fat tissue is only camouflaged and effectiveness is lost within the short period.
The correct technique is lifting up the skin together with underlying fat and muscle tissue. The muscles and sagging tissue are tightened, excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is repositioned to create a more youthful look. So, most effective, constant and also natural result can be obtained. The skin cut for face lift usually begins in the hair near the temple and continues in front of the ear, around the ear lobe, behind the ear and into the hair. The skin cuts are closed with hidden stitches. Therefore the scars remain invisible. Another technique, considered to be endoscopic, requires two skin cuts a few centimeters long behind the hair line above the temples.
In conjunction with a mid-face lift, neck lift is considered the best treatment for a sagging and loose-skinned neck and jowls by many surgeons usually. With the neck lift, the neck muscles are tightened and then sutured as well as the hanging skin and excess fat is removed to result in a more youthful neck, and defined jaw line after surgery.
A facelift is done in the hospital. Surgery takes 1,5-2 hours for each region, so total face lift takes 5-6 hours. You may be allowed to return home within 1-2 days after surgery. A compressive bandage is applied 5-7 days following surgery. Some complaints such as pain, tightness, swelling, bruising and numbness are the natural results of the procedure. Pain usually does not cause discomfort and can easily be controlled by medication. Most of the swelling subsides within 7-10 days, and rest of the swelling which is imperceptible resolves gradually within 6 months and the face gains actual feature. During the first weeks after surgery, tightness and numbness reduce and finally vanish as swelling subsides. Permanent numbness is not common. Lasting of bruising depends on the person’s sensitivity and varies considerably from person to person. Sometimes, disappearing the bruising may delay until 15th day. Just after surgery, your face would be unrecognizable, but your actual face begins to appear within 7-10 days as the swelling and bruising reduce.
One week before surgery, a botox injection in order to relax the mimic muscles and prevent the reformation of dynamic wrinkles; and 1 month after surgery, periodically chemical peelings in order to keep the skin refreshed are recommended.
Rejuvenation procedures including forehead, mid-face and neck are done safely and successfully as the risks are minimized with the proud of leading endoscopic surgery in our country.
While this procedure cannot stop the aging process, it can often make a person appear to be a decade younger than their actual age. After recovery, you will gain much more rested and youthful appearance.

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